Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Yoga - Sarpasanam - Snake position

As shown in the fig,

  1. Lie down on your stomach with your hands clasped behind.
  2. Inhaling, lift your head and chest while clasped behind.
  3. While being in this position, make sure your knees don't touch the ground.
  4. Now exhale air and turn your head left side and see the legs on the ground. 
  5. While inhaling air, turn your head straight
  6. Repeat this by turning your head right side also

Repeat this left and right side 4 times

Yoga - Shavasana - Relaxed position

As shown in the figure,

  1. Lie back, keep some distance between legs and arms
  2. Your palms should be facing upside, body should be in relaxed position
  3. Now inhale air, hold for couple of secs and exhale air slowly taking double the time you took for inhaling
  4. While inhaling, take full air and fill stomach with air and while exhaling, remove all the air from the body including lungs.

Do this 4 times

Yoga - Yastikasana - for resting

As shown in the fig,

  1. Lie on the back. Extend legs fully,
  2. Inhale some air and stretch arms on the head side
  3. Stretch toes and fingers outwards.
  4. Lie in this position for 3 seconds.Then leave the inhaled air and relax your arms and stretched toes

Do this 3 times

Monday, June 24, 2013

Yoga - Yogamudra

  1. Sit in Padmasana as shown in my earlier post 
  2. Hold both hands at back with the palm/finger of the one hand holding wrist of other hand
  3. Take your stomach inside and bend your head forward, so that fore head touches the ground.
  4. Remain in this position for 4 secs.
  5. Come back to the Padmasana position 
  6. Repeat the exercise 4 times

Yoga - Padmasana - Lotus Pose

  1. Sit on the ground by spreading the legs forward.
  2. Place the right foot on the left thigh and the left foot on the right thigh.Place the hands on the knee joints.
  3. Keep the body, back and head erect.
  4. Eyes should be closed

Yoga - Ustrasana

As shown in the figure, 
  1. Sit on the knees,
  2. Inhale some air and hold your heels/ankles with hands and
  3. Raise your stomach and waist and bend your neck backwards. 
  4. Remain in this position for 3 secs and 
  5. Get back to the vajrasana position to relax.
  6. Repeat this for 3 times.

Yoga - Shashankasana

  1. First, sit as mentioned in Vajrasana, as mentioned in my previous post
  2. Exhale breath slowly, take your hands back and hold them together as shown in figure,and bend downwards and touch your forehead to the ground and now exhale all the air. Remain in this position for couple of secs
  3. Now slowly while inhaling air, get your head up and again sit in the position like Vajrasana
  4. Repeat the exercise for 3 times